1777 S Harrison St, Suite 1200 | Denver, CO 80210 | 720-295-0089

Client Centered Therapy

Client Centered Therapy is a form of talk-psychotherapy developed by psychologist Carl Rogers in the 1940s and 1950s. The goal is to provide clients with an opportunity to develop a sense of self where they can realize how their attitudes, feelings and behavior are being negatively affected.

Rather than viewing people as inherently flawed, with problematic behaviors and thoughts that require treatment, Client Centered Therapy identifies that each client has the capacity and desire for personal growth and change. Rogers termed this natural human inclination “actualizing tendency,” or self-actualization. He likened it to the way that other living organisms strive toward balance, order, and greater complexity. According to Rogers, "Individuals have within themselves vast resources for self-understanding and for altering their self-concepts, basic attitudes, and self-directed behavior; these resources can be tapped if a definable climate of facilitative psychological attitudes can be provided."

The client centered therapist learns to recognize and trust human potential, providing clients with empathy and unconditional positive regard to help facilitate change. The therapist avoids directing the course of therapy by following the client’s lead whenever possible. Instead, the therapist offers support, guidance, and structure so that the client can discover personalized solutions within themselves.